Things To Do FAQ

Most Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find deals and discounts?
Where can we see animals?
What sports teams are in Sarasota?
What are the best museums in the area?
Where can we find maps and other information about the area?
What are the top 10 attractions in Sarasota County?
What things can we do with children on a rainy day?
Where can I find a list of events and festivals, including craft/art shows?
Someone told us about the drum circles. Where and when do they have these?
What biking and hiking trails do you have?
Where can I find sharks teeth?
Does Sarasota offer any walking tours?
How can we find a specific restaurants/dining options in the area?
What is there to see and do on St. Armands Circle?
Where can I find a listing and description of all Sarasota County beaches? Do they have beach wheelchairs?
Where can we see manatees and dolphins?
What kind of trolley tours are offered in Sarasota?
What activities can we do for a 1-day visit in Sarasota?