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Sarasota Ski-A-Rees Water-Ski Show Team

1602 Ken Thompson Pkwy, Sarasota, FL 34236 (941) 388-1666
The Sarasota Ski-A-Rees was Founded October 30, 1957 and is incorporated as a non-profit organization. Membership in the organization is open to youth interested in learning about and developing skills related to water skiing and water safety, and to adults who desire to educate, coach and supervise these youth.

In 1958, Sarasota's burgeoning community of 35,000 contracted with Cypress Gardens to present a special water-ski show for the Sarasota County Pageant. This event prompted the interest in presenting local water-ski shows. Realizing that outstanding talent was available in Sarasota, the Charter members of the Ski-A-Rees requested the City assist them in obtaining property for the purpose of promoting water skiing as a form of recreation and entertainment. The City responded favorably. With the continued support of the City of Sarasota, the Ski-A-Rees have been able to present weekly water ski shows that have become a Sarasota tradition for over 50 years.

We provide free ski shows every Sunday at 2pm from February to May and again in October and November.

Additional amenities:
-Wheelchair accessible
-Covered Stadium seatings
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